Saturday, November 7, 2015

Day 7 of the Lamp & Light Photo Challenge

A small blessing was today's photo challenge. As I was going through pictures from the harvest party at my parents church I came across this one. It's my almost 16 year old "Tweety". Attached to her legs are two of her cousins. There are games being packed up, candy and prizes going into separate bags, tables being broken down, cars being loaded, decorations cleaned up.  She kept the little ones entertained while their parents took care of siblings, helped clean up and just sat for a minute. She was exhausted as we had been at our own church until after 11pm the night before. All she wanted to do was go home and go to bed. There was never a complaint, never a harsh word to the kids hanging on her legs, running circles around her, showing her their ever growing supply of candy and prizes. She just smiled and laughed and let the kids be entertained so the harvest party could be cleaned up.  

Tweety has always had a heart for kids. Even as a little girl she was always carrying around a baby doll and playing mom. When we were foster parents she was the first one to ask to help with the kids. Now that she is older she volunteers in the church nursery and babysits. One day she is going to make an amazing mom... And that is a blessing :)

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